The date for Senior Variety Show auditions is being postponed until Saturday, May 9, 10-noon. “We are going to eliminate the April audition dates while we assess the medical situation in our community.” says Julie Minot, show co-director. The audition will be held at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1416 20th St. Ames
Plans for the 26th Annual Senior Variety Show, “Antics Roadshow,” have been under way for several months. The official season kicked off with a Performers’ Social in February as interested seniors gathered to celebrate the success of last year’s show and make plans for their August performance. “Already some wonderfully creative acts are emerging,” says Kat Norris, the show’s second director. “This is my first time to share the director’s seat for the senior show, so I am really excited to experience this process.”
Spring auditions are a chance for performers to bring a specific act before the directors for suggestions and timing. Acts should be no more than three minutes and creatively related to this year’s theme of antics, roads, streets, or travel. Various forms might include musical numbers, skits, or stories.
“We encourage all seniors over 60 in the area to keep thinking of acts," encourages Minot. “If nothing else, use this time to learn new songs, use your creative writing skills for skits, or practice an instrument. These are great activities to do while being cautious about being around other people. Meanwhile, you can also bounce ideas off other folks on the phone, by email, or skype.”
The Senior Variety Show crew entreats the community to stay healthy, stay creative, and stay in touch at,, or call 515-292- 9394

About 30 performers recently gathered to kick off the August senior show while celebrating past successes. Pictured here is composer/singer Paul Miles (middle) explaining why he can’t make people laugh, while the other performers don’t agree. Shown around Miles from the left are tapper Carol Barrick, chorus director Joe Traylor, comedian Roman Lynch, and assistant director Ronnie Lindeman.

The Barbie act from last year’s Senior Variety Show featured (from back left) Pat Crawford as Barbara Bush, Rose Arrasmith as Barbara Stanwyck, Barbara Yungclas, Nancy Hart as Barbara Eden, Phyllis Schrag as Barbra Streisand; (front row left) Barbara Rusk, Marilyn Johnson as Barbara Walters, and Barbara Gauger. Not pictured were Ronnie Lindeman and Skip Walter as Barbie and Ken.